Time and Money Are you looking for an opportunity? Are you looking for more time or more money? Do you simply want control of your life?
GOALS ... Do you know what you want out of life?� Are you willing to plan and work for it? REWARDS ... You can decide what your level of commitment will be. SUPPORT...
You have complete access to the latest online tools and a wealth of experience. Headlines like "The End of the Job" and "What Ever Happened to The Great American Job", herald the times. It's no wonder the family provider of the 90's has had to look beyond the security of the nine-to-five job to take care of their family. "Forget the idea of a career and a long employment with a big company", notes the number one selling information periodical. As you can see, you need plan to succeed. Not taking action to control your future is a plan likely to fail. Newspapers brought headlines to us that read "Boomers Go Bust". Business periodicals asked "What Happened to the American Dream". Major national daily newspapers warned graduates about only "Graduating to a Job Search". Are we listening? Corporate America has changed the way hourly wage earners look at supporting a family. Is the American Dream gone? The paradigm has changed. We now talk of corporate "family values" instead of family values. The question asked by your boss is, "is your family wrecking your career"?� Shouldn't you be asking "is my career wrecking my family?" "Quality time" maybe the new great "myth" about how you should know, love and care for your family in our fast-paced society. Stressed out executives are trying to squeeze every ounce of time left over from the rat race. Are you going to continue "quality time" calendars or are you going to control your calendar? Are you juggling your time or controlling it? Financial planners across the nation tell us that "boomers" will need at least 1 million dollars in cash to retire. One cover story that talks about how most do not have adequate savings states "the nation doesn't understand the immensity of the situation that is going to unfold at the beginning of the 21st century." In an article entitled "Finished at 40" (Fortune Feb. 1, 1999) " it is reported that in corporate America, age 40 is the time when you start looking and feeling old." "...Companies today have less and less tolerance for people they believe are earning more than their output warrants." Are you being looked at as a horse ready to be put out to pasture? Do you have a plan? If you fail to plan, you're planning to fail. |
Do you have Goals Rewards are yours Support is vital |